The perfect metaphor used in the perfect circumstance is like a spectacular sunrise on a dewy morning.
Metaphors, similes, and analogies are all examples of figurative language.
In each instance one thing is related to another in an effort to clarify
or add color to everyday speech or prose.
In each instance one thing is related to another in an effort to clarify
or add color to everyday speech or prose.
A metaphor, in its simplest sense, says one thing is another:
- Jealousy is a double-edged sword.
- Teenage girls are the wildflowers of American shopping malls.
A simile compares one thing with another dissimilar thing, usually employing the word “like” or “as”:
- Her apartment was as dirty as a warehouse coffee pot.
- The nuns’ tears flowed like the Mississippi after a three-day storm.
An analogy uses one comparison to illustrate another. It often takes the A is to B as C is to D form.
- Reading is to the mind, like exercise is to the body.
- What soap is to the skin, laughter is to the soul.
— A Million Metaphors will forever be a work in progress. See an error or an omission? Please use the “Make a Suggestion” links. —
— If you have a favorite metaphor, one you gave birth to or not, please add it. —
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