Patient as the female dove. - William Shakespeare keywords: stoic , waiting 1 Like Make a Suggestion More
His eyes, liquid pools of warmth, met mine and my fear abated. - Stephen Blake Mettee keywords: character , support 1 Like Make a Suggestion More
I am a little Sunflower; sunny, brave and true. From tiny bud to blossom, I do good deeds for you. keywords: friendship 1 Like Make a Suggestion More
Bright as a facet-cut diamond scattering light. - Charles Tupper keywords: light , radiant , smart 1 Like Make a Suggestion More
He has a certain syrup, but it doesn’t pour. - Gertrude Stein keywords: critique , writer , writing 1 Like Make a Suggestion More
Ran like a striped-assed ape. - James Goldman keywords: hurried , rushed , sped , trotted 1 Like Make a Suggestion More
Soft as a prayer. - Ernest Dowson keywords: cushy , silky , smooth , tender 1 Like Make a Suggestion More
The Martini is a cocktail distilled from the wink of a platinum blonde, the sweat of a polo horse, the blast of an ocean liner’s horn, the Chrysler building at sunset, a lost Cole Porter tune, and the aftershave of quipping detectives in natty double-breasted suits. - Barnaby Conrad III keywords: alcohol , booze , drink , liquor 1 Like Make a Suggestion More